Friday, 31 August 2018

Terrain Feature: Scratch Built Temple of Halloween Tat


So I've finished my most recent large terrain project, having first had the idea last October (when I stumbled across the key ingredient in a supermarket), I always get there in the end! Saying that, I still have a tub of elves on the painting pile I got in 1993 so I guess my attention span is more of a work in progress.

Without further ado, here is the subject of today's article; a chaos temple long lost to the rampant undergrowth of Ghyran, recently rediscovered and re-consecrated by the pestilent followers of whichever god of foulness takes your fancy. Read on to see how I slapped her together from bits n' junk...

I only regret that I couldn't fit a skull inside the skull thats inside the skull. #hobbygoals